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While none of my family have web pages (that I know of) yet, I do have a family history page, as well as photos of my sister Diane's wedding.

My best friend since 1984, Glenn Chappell and I met when I was a freshman at KU probably due to their alphabetical method of assigning "potluck" roommates. Since my family is half way around the world in Malaysia, Jeanne & Gil Chappell [picture] have been my "pseudofamily" since c. 1985. They're wonderful people!

While studying for my doctorate at the University of Illinois, my host grandmother was Virginia Sharp.

Spiritual Connections

I met Joshua "Orangeman" Chin in Damansara Utama Methodist Church. [NEW]

When at UIUC, I was a regular at the Computer Science prayer group. Some of the other people involved included Mattox Beckman, and Arif Sahari Wibowo. (There're other people, but I don't know their home page locations.) Wendy Terry and Bill Tolone used do be with us as well until they graduated.

Charles Schultz, Nicole DeJong, Steve Schimmrich, Dwight Divine IV, Brent Whitlock [picture], Pramod John [picture] and & his wife Grace [picture], Lisa Beauvis, Rich Lin, Dave Kellog, Scott Bonham [picture], Jon Ritterbush, Nina Chan, Jorge Rodríguez, Eric Peng, Mark Dewing, Dan Morton, [picture], Joyce Ho [picture] and Jonathan Hayward are all people I met via IVCF.

I also know some people from various different Campus Christian organizations who have web pages:
ICCF Tan Gek Woo [picture], Kent Lee [picture], Michael Hsiao
CCC Erik Johnson [picture]
Illini Life Bill Busen
Japanese Bible Study Rieko Motohashi
CFC Amabelle Sze

I met Jon Reid [picture], Will Maycroft, and Martha Harsanti, at Vineyard Christian Fellowship.

I met Jeff & Junko Ady at the Mustard Seed Christian Fellowship in Lawrence, Kansas. (They have since moved to Hawaii.) I met Eko Setiawan years ago in various Christian International Student contexts at K.U. He's since gone home, married Joyce, and returned to Kansas as a grad student. I met Dr. Sattiraju Prabhakar [picture] and Dustin Tate in KU Bible Study.

Sons & Daughters is a local Christian Rock group consisting of Dave [picture]and Cindy Howie [picture], Chad Dunn [picture] and Jeremy [picture]. I first met them at their concerts, but have since become personal friends, especially of Dave & Cindy.

I met Rob Siedenburg at the 1996 Racial Reconciliation Conference.

I met Chee Li-Mei at the post-Urbana International Students' Conference.

University Connections

I have many friends from The Malaysian Student Association of Central Illinois, including Faruq and Norsidah.

I met Frank Sheeran [picture], Tom "Mag" Magliery [picture] Tracy Atteberry [picture], Dan Ashlock [picture] and Dave Barnhill [picture] at KU. Mag also came to UIUC Tracy stayed in Kansas, and Dan is now a prof at Iowa State.

Konstantinos Efantis [picture] is from Greece and used to live in the same apartment block as I. Bucking the trend of apartment neighbors never meeting each other, we struck up a friendship which continues even though he moved to the other side of CU.

I was in the UIUC Smalltalk Group[picture] with Ralph Johnson [picture], John Brant, Don Roberts [picture], Brian Foote, Joe Yoder, Bill Voss and Ju Zhenyu instead. Eric Huss and Marty Blase were undergrads who helped with the web pages. We also have a research discussion group, and some people who are not in our research group also participlate, including Brian Marick. Aamod Sane isn't in our research group, but attended our meetings because he's interested in our pattern discussions.

When I first came to UIUC, I was in Dr. Eric Golin's group until he left for a startup in California. There, I met Todd Biske [picture] and Annette Feng [picture].

I also met Chris Seguin (and his wife Angela) [picture] and Bill Hsu [picture] in the department.

I met Jacob Langford [picture] through mutual friends.

Some time ago, I took a mathematical modelling class from George Francis [picture]. I first met him via Glenn Chappell, who had done a lot of programming for him. As a result of that class, I met Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer [picture]. Another person I know from the Math depatment is Chris Hartman -- he was Glenn's office mate, and has since graduated.

Joel Jones [picture], Teresa Katherine "Kay" Hane Connelly, are fellow CS grad students.

I met Brian O'Broin, a graduate student from Ireland at a host family event.

Since my research is related to educational topics, I took an EdPsych class from Lizanne DeStefano.

I met Dr. Marshall Lih at the Engineering Education Scholars Program.

My advisor from K.U. days was Dov "Dubi" Dori [picture].

Old friends

I met Rae Andre in Wuhan, China. She was there to adopt an abadoned baby girl, Megan. Due to China's one-child policy (coupled with their inhumane forced abortions) coupled with traditional Chinese sexism, many baby girls are abandoned at birth.

I met Nancy Kolde [picture] at the Chappells'. She is a daughter of Jeanne's brother Jim Kolde.

Internet Connections

I've made quite a few friends electronically, most of whom I've never met face to face. Jon Dantzig wrote the wonderful LANDING AN ACADEMIC JOB: The process and the pitfalls, Bob Weigel whom I met so long ago by email I don't even remember how I met him anymore [grin], Jim Goldman whom I met via the HUMOR mailing list, Luis Gustavo Rivera Fuentes, Patty Mondore [picture], Larry Holder [picture], Sheila Patterson [picture], Tim Thornton, [picture] Lance Even, Matt Galster, Evie Martin, Barb & Woodie Morris, Dick Hester (who is running for congress, incidentally, and is a nice guy even though I don't agree with a lot of his political views), Abbie Anderson, who is a friend of an ex-Bible study leader of mine, and David Field [picture] who was introduced by Ken Auer [picture], whom I know from patterns circles.

I also met these people on the net, but since then have had the pleasure of meeting them face to face: Richard Masoner I met through CONCHR-L, "the Conservative Christian List." (I was their token Liberal [grin].) He lives in a nearby town so he invited me to dinner. Ron Gressel [picture] I met through prayer@nicoh.com, and when I visited Austin for OOPSLA '95, he took me to church and to see the state capitol. Scott Forester I met online at ABUG's BBS a long time ago, but have since met in Kansas City. Patsy Seow Yoke May [picture] first contacted me to ask me to add the web page of the company she was working for to my Malaysia page, but I've since met her after I returned to Malaysia. Someone introuduced me to Peggy Chooi [picture] through e-mail while I was still in USA, and I also met up with her after returning to Malaysia.

Work Connections

Back in '89 and '90 I worked as a programmer on the RESEDA project at the Forschungsintitut für anwendungsorientierte Wissenverarbeitung an der Universität Ulm (FAW Ulm). There I met Wolf-Fritz Riekert, Günther Hess, and Oliver Günther [picture].

I met Bill Blais [picture], and David Carr when I worked in Connecticut for The Hartford.

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